Prentice Ponds Spends His 50th Birthday in Prison Waiting for Justice
Prentice Ponds Spends His 50th Birthday in Prison Waiting for Justice 23rd April 2023 was supposed to be a joyous day for Prentice Ponds and his family. After all, it was his Golden Jubilee, i.e. 50th birthday. However, he was forced to spend this important day away from his family, in prison due to the biased justice system. Sentenced to Life + 25 years on the bogus charges of assault and robbery, Mr. Ponds is awaiting his chance at a fair trial. His family and local organizations such as Gloria’s Angel B.O.W and NAACP Tulsa chapter are working hard to bring him home. But the legal system fails to provide him and his family the justice they deserve. The Truth Behind the Case of Prentice Ponds Court convicted Prentice Ponds for Life+25 years. But did he really deserve this sentence? Prentice Ponds filed for an insurance claim when an unknown driver damaged his parked vehicle. However, instead of looking into vehicle damage, the insurance investigator tried to threaten him w...