National Autism Awareness Month Understand Autism Symptoms

National Autism Awareness Month: Understand Autism Symptoms

People on the autism spectrum deserve acceptance and love from the community. So, the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day in 2007.

Now every year, the month of April is celebrated as National Autism Awareness Month. Not-for-profit organizations promote the cause of Autism during this month. Also, fundraising events play a major role in raising awareness about autism spectrum disorder.

During the month, you may notice people wearing blue shirts with a positive message about autism. The color blue represents calm and tranquility. Hence it’s a suitable choice to spread autism awareness.


What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism or ASD affects social interactions. Also, it may lead to developing repetitive behaviors. Several neurodevelopmental disorders on the spectrum are generally referred to as autism.

People with this disorder may function and process things a little differently from others.

Researchers have conducted various research studies to determine the cause of autism. But there’s no conclusive evidence of the exact cause of this condition. Certain factors may contribute to ASD. This includes genetic disorders, environmental factors, the age of parents, and the consumption of opioids during pregnancy.


The Prominent Symptoms of Autism

The symptoms of autism may vary among people. Also, the severity of these symptoms may not be the same.

Let’s review some common autism symptoms you should be aware of:

·        Need for peace and quiet

·        Lack of eye contact

·        Withdrawal from social gatherings

·        Children on the spectrum tend to start speaking late

·        Extreme focus on a single task to the point of obsession

·        A unique tone of voice or facial expressions

·        Difficulty learning in traditional classrooms

·        Struggle with getting accustomed to social interactions

·        Find it challenging to keep up with two-way communication

·        Repetitive movements or repeating phrases

The symptoms of autism usually start showing at a young age. It’s normal for autistic people to start speaking late than other kids of their age. They may scream or cry to express their needs. So, give them time and love them unconditionally.

Aside from repetitive behaviors, people with ASD may also have different sleeping patterns. They may struggle to fall asleep at night. Also, if the symptoms are severe, they may display self-abusive behavior such as banging their head against the wall.

Autistic kids prefer calm and peace. A loud environment and overcrowded spaces can make them uncomfortable. Are you friends with them or have an autistic person in your circle? Then respect their need for tranquility.


Children or people on the autism spectrum disorder may be different. But they are selectively social. They need longer to trust people around them but make amazing friends.

This Autism Awareness Month, let’s pledge to make this world a better place for autistic people. For this purpose, it’s important to accept their uniqueness and support them even beyond April.



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